Long time Iris fans are probably aware that Iris has been on “The Transatlantic Sessions” which is an excellent music series from the UK.   It contains what I consider some of the best music ever put to recording.  There have been 6 seasons recorded and released on DVD — though a PAL capable DVD player is required to view some of the early releases.  It contains some of my favorite artists, including Iris Dement.

The last few days, I have been getting over some kind of bug that had me in bed a couple days.  So, over the weekend, I took some recuperating time and found myself browsing Youtube videos; which, of course, lead me to Iris Dement videos which lead to some of the Transatlantic Sessions videos.   I highly recommend the series.  There are many good artists.  Iris appears on season 1 and season 3.

I will try to post some links to some where you can purchase them over the next few days.

In the meantime, below is one from Youtube for your listening pleasure. This is “Our Town” from the first season.