
Trackless Woods Album Cover

The Trackless Woods Liner Notes

“BLESS THEM, O LORD” My daughter is Russian. My husband and I brought her from Siberia to the States in 2005. She was just a few months shy of six years old. I’d never have made this record were not for her. Like my daughter, Anna Akhmatova was Russian. She was born in 1889 and died in 1966. Most of her life was spent in St. Petersburg. She survived 30 years of Stalin, two world wars and the imprisonment and…

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Trackless Woods Album Cover

“The Trackless Woods” Track List

“The Trackless Woods” Track list With Links to Lyrics To My Poems — Lyrics Broad Gold — Lyrics And This You Call Work — Lyrics From The Oriental Notebook — Lyrics Prayer — Lyrics Not With Deserters — Lyrics All Is Sold — Lyrics Reject The Burden — Lyrics From An Airplane — Written by Iris! Oh, How Good — Lyrics Like A White Stone — Lyrics Song About Songs — Lyrics Listening To Singing — Lyrics Lot’s Wife —…

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Trackless Woods Album Cover

New Album! “The Trackless Woods” Released

August 7, 2015 The Trackless Woods has been released.  It is Iris’ first album release since Sing The Delta. It is “the poems of Anna Akhmatova set to music”.  Iris describes it as an inspiration from a book of Russian poems. Watch for posts to follow about this new album.  In the meantime, check the official site at:  

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